Friday, March 12, 2010

It's been a long time paints...I missed you

Well, I was able to start a painting last night. Didn't get to the "painting" point yet but I did manage to do some masking. I am working on a "birches" painting. Going to do a giant wash on it and do some splattering into the wash like I did with my other "close up birch". This painting is about 36-40in wide and about 24 in tall. Kinda big to be starting out again on but I do best on bigger paintings. I am going to try and take a hint from mom and try and get juried on some of my stuff and go for it. What the heck have I been so afraid of taking a leap on this for. I have plenty of stuff I can try and get juried on. We shall see....maybe my studio is not too far off? What do you think of my start?


  1. I love the depth to it, both visually and conceptually. It is mesmerizing.

  2. nice....don't I need to have someone other than my husband commenting? I know he likes my work :P

  3. I forgot to say thank you to mom for helping with putting on the mask at 1 am Thurs night!
