Well I unmasked the trees tonight. I am thinking it was about time. Took me all evening. One of the only bad things about working so big. I really do like it though. I think the only other time I worked this big was the mermaid graphite drawing and that was one of my better works. We shall see how this one turns out. I will probably start detailing the trees and the ground cover and then layer on some more leaves in the trees possibly with watercolor pencil but have not yet decided.
Looking great, Ingrid. I love the depth of color. Keeps getting better and better. I love seeing the day-to-day updates on what you're doing with it.
ReplyDeleteThe colors seem to be so much more vibrant now that the mask is off the trees. Is it just my imagination.
ReplyDeleteWell you will see tomorrow. The colors do show up a lot better when contrasted against white. But the colors are showing up even more when the detail is put in because I think there is nothing to detract from them and pull your eye towards too.