Friday, March 26, 2010

Started a few more paintings

Liesl went to sleep at 5:30 pm last night and didn't wake up until 7:30 am this morning after her long day at the zoo. Needless to say, I got some painting done. I decided to start a couple more paintings last night. Both of them are a different version of the birch paintings. One of them is quite small and I would mat it on a VERY big mat. Not sure what I will do with it when done but there is a demand for all kinds of sizes. The other is a standard size piece of heavy duty cold press paper that had something on the other side that someone else started and gave me the paper because it was really expensive. I really liked working with it so far. We will see how it turns out when I am done. I wasnt able to start anything else as my roll of paper was where Liesl was sleeping.

Altogether, I have 5 paintings started and at different stages and probably 4 or 5 more paintings that are in the final stages of completion. Which is a very good thing because the watercolor takes a long time to dry and you cant always work on it until completely dry depending on the effect.

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